Friday, April 15, 2011

Things I just remembered that I do underway:

1. When no one is looking I dance to Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance", ala On The Rocks a capela group.

2. Listen to more country music than is good for me...for anyone.

3. Even though I am a straight male I tell many, many men that I would sleep with them for money...or to trade deck watches.

4. Speak in a different language. Ex; Hey Scotty, I'm running down to the head in berthing and will stopping at the scuttlebutt to fill my camelback. Need anything from the geedunk machine? Also, we need to take a look at the DPD because it looks like we have a phase alignment issue, could see something do do with the CFA reverse power problem. TWT...

5. Every movie on SITE TV is a true story that I would rather live in for an hour and a half.

6. A whiteboard is a primary means of communication through the watches.

7. The blue lights in combat are the best cure for insomnia, I don't care how much caffine one has. the deathly pale blue lights in CIC will consume your soul and life.

That being said...

8. A coffee machine in your workspace is on par to being in jail but being able to make your own toilet wine.

9. I'm pretty sure the Justin Timberlake bobble head standing beside said coffee maker in workspace follows me with it's eyes and plans to kill me if I nod off while working on paperwork by the computer. Send help.

10. Days no longer matter, only hours...That you coordinate different events within.


  1. 1. You just thought no one was looking. I've had reports...
    2. ANY amount of country music has been found to cause cancer in lab rats.
    3. Whore.
    4. Not to mention the Japanese cursing.
    5. Show a lot of chick flicks, do they?
    6. Better than grunts and snorts.
    7. The blue lights told me you were at the top of their list for soul consuming.
    8. I'll send you some "coffee" (wink, wink) to go in your machine.
    9. I'll sent you the Mr. T bobble head doll to take care of Justin. "I pity the fool!"
    10. Make this your mantra..."All things must pass".
