Monday, April 18, 2011

Step 1: Insert soul into blender.

Step 2: Press "Puree"

The days are starting to blend together, which is an excellent thing while underway. One only stands watches and is not concerned about trivial food...or sleep. The hours will seem to slip away as you slip into routine, this is not a bad thing unless you have a kind of deadline.

I don't believe I've let everything set it, though the other night I had this terrible feeling in the back of my mind. It was a fear that I only felt last in boot camp. I suppose it was something along the lines of going into the unknown, but like boot camp, I just kept the idea that once this is all said and done that I would never have to be separated from my family again. That after this I would be leaving the Navy life behind me for, hopefully, better things.

It's a happy thought I keep in my pocket until depression from separation sets in finally. After that point, it should be downhill. On one hand, yes, I have to be away from everything for a while. But on the other hand, this will be my last deployment feels like senior year of high school or something to that nature.

Well, it's incredibly late after working on paperwork. I need to try and sleep, shouldn't be too hard at this point.

Listening to: Peter Gabriel "So"

Sending the Zen,

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