Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hi, my name is Bill Murray. Welcome to Groundhog Day.

So, almost a half month into this little deployment. Try as I might, I can't make the days pass any faster. Although a good sign is showing itself, the days are starting to blur together. Three days can pass at a time before I realise how much time is passing. So yeah, welcome to my world, Groundhog Day as it were. Trying to keep myself sane and balance, though I really have a lack of motivation as depression has started to set in a little. I can tell through my interactions with people, I don't feel like excercising or doing much more than standing watch and sleeping.

I think it hit me just the other day when I was writing a hand-written letter to my daughter just how much we as people has lost in communication when we've done nothing but enhance communication in the past 15 years! Yes, we write emails and texts, all the while cutting back on everything else. Hell, I ran into someone before I left that said they would rather text a person than call them anymore.

In my opinion, the hand-written word hold higher value now more than ever. When's the last time you received a written letter, cards don't honest written-out letter. I love my aunt Glennie, but sometimes she can drive my father to the drink, hah! She recently had sent my daughter a Cabbage Patch doll in the mail that was lost in delivery. In an inquiry to the location of said doll, she hand-wrote a letter to the residence of our address pleading a safe return of said way-ward child. I'm not always old-fashioned, but dammit, some things like good handwriting and grammar should come back.

I'm rambling now and sounding like a crotchety old man. *sigh* When did I get old?


  1. Sadly, no. Laura even went by our old place to see if the new owners saw any package. They were nice enough and said that they hadn't seen anything come by or delivered.
