Tuesday, June 21, 2011

IIII wanna perform preventative maintenance all niiiight, and party every day.

Sometimes there are long nights on the ship...well, most of the time. I'll wake up around 11:15pm, and grab some midrats(Midnight rations) to eat, and try to make some coffee before I start on the night's agenda. Most of the time I'm pretty well-rested and ready for either maintenance of the preventative or corrective kind. If all I need to do is straighten the workspace up, then it usually ends up with me finishing early and reflecting on things. With a huge inspection coming up, I'm getting tasking from at least 5 supervisors telling me they all need lists made, corrections applied, statuses updated, blah blah blah blah, etc. Honestly, it feels like Office Space. And yes, we have something similar to TPS reports, right down to the same 5 people telling me that I did them wrong. Our inspection isn't for another 7-8 months away.

Tonight's problem; I am aware that my cooling syetem needs some TLC. We apparently recieved an email from the leading Petty Officer in that particular engineering space about it, because there is a creeping leak in it, causing water to create running rust. My workcenter has been focusing on other matters, and my superiors know about this. I'll probably be reminded again, in the morning for the third time from someone else, that I need to focus on the skid. I love it. We stand 5-7 hours of watch on the console, then we can take 5-7 hours for oursleves for working out, eating, or the occasional movie...or any paperwork/ corrective work. Every third day, I like to relax and unwind by watching a movie for myself after my 1200-1700 watch. Doesn't always happen because things will pop up. Then we have 5-7 hours for sleeping. The times we get for all those depends on what watch we have during the day.

I'm ready to be done with all this. Taking classes is going to seem like a cakewalk. Some folk's schedules are even more insane, like the folks on Flight Quarters staitons, those people are up at all hours of the night for Helo support. They also get paid extra though, haha!

This is just a another rant about life while underway. Time to resume the watch...goodnight.

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