Saturday, June 18, 2011

Another day to mark off the countdown calendar.

It seems like seeing the Coronado bridge pass overhead for the last time is a sweet distant memory of the my life in San Diego. Though, it's crazy to think that it's only been a couple of months since that moment. Next time I pass under it I'll be throwing my white "Dixie cup" hat over the side to follow tradition, a happy thought I keep in the back of my mind.

According to tradition, at least from what I've heard in San Diego, a sailor returning home from his last deployment must throw his White Hat over the side when directly underneath the symbol of returning/leaving port that is the Coronado bridge. If the White Hat floats, the sailor is destined to go back to sea. If it sinks, the sailor will never see another deployment in his life. As you can guess, most sailor's tie the heaviest object they can possibly lift to the Dixie Hat so that there's no question what's in store for their future.

I feel like I would like cheating fate would only encourage it, so I'll be throwing my Dixie Cup sans weight with a clear mind.

In other news, I have received my acceptance into Middle Tennessee State University for the completion of my degree in Music Recording Industry! The last time I felt this excited about going to school must have been when I was in Kindergarten. I'm looking forward to finally working on completing my dream of being a producer and owner of my own studio and label.

I have my wife, Laura, to thank for helping me keep my dream alive when I was about to just throw in the towel and settle for less.

I have already routed my separation request for Dec 2nd, 2011 and I'll be taking my terminal leave about 20 days before that. With any luck we'll be back in North Carolina by mid-late November and looking for our new home in Nashville. Will know something soon about my request. Looking forward to seeing everyone once I get back!


Sending the Zen-

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