Monday, June 14, 2010

Seeing the Light...

Well, I'm halfway through the year and I can taste the freedom that will come to me at the end of next year. I know it's a bit far out there, but you need to visualize what you'll be doing about that time so you can plan accordingly. If there's one thing the Navy has taught me, among many various things (Never Again Volunteer Yourself), it's that it's best to plan very well for yourself or you'll be working after hours on a Friday..Metaphorically, of course. Sometimes literally.

Most folks that I work with speak of "getting out" as though being released from prison. Sometimes it's exactly the case, I mean, just look at our old Utility Uniforms, they look exactly like inmate uniforms. Unfortunately some of those that desperately would like to see a cross-rate to civilian find themselves at the mercy of a solid, yet modest, paycheck and decide that the constant dumbassery is far better than taking a chance on the "outside".

Makes you think...I now know exactly why we call a toilet a "head". It's all good though, because what I want is almost never what someone else may want.

I haven't written any music in almost 5 years. I'm worried. I have plenty of material to write about, but the music doesn't find my fingers like it once did. Although, I'll be the first to say that it always took me a lot of work to come up with one half-decent song. Funny, one of my catchiest songs came to me in about 20 minutes. I'm probably nuking the hell out of it and expecting way too much out of myself.

I finally decided that now is about the right time as well to ask some hand-picked folks about forming a group to start playing when I get out of the Navy. More to follow on that if everything works out well. I've heard affirmatives from 2 of the 3 that I sent invites to. names....
Sending the Zen,